Titus Ebbecke

Titus Ebbecke is a German-born HCI designer who explores various domains of technology, design, and art. With a focus on cutting-edge technologies like machine learning and generative design, he is especially interested in prototyping for the far future. As an anti-disciplinary designer, software engineer, and artist, he seeks to leverage all aspects of modern computers to build concepts that tackle the fundamental challenges of today and tomorrow. This includes using design and software engineering to explore biological data of viruses and bacteria, interactively visualizing satellite data to illustrate climate change, or building wearable homes for those who do not have a real one. Titus is a future Master of Design candidate at the University of California, Berkeley, and an Alumni at the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt.
Autonomous Robot by Titus Ebbecke

ARTificial Autonomous Robot by Titus Ebbecke This autonomous sculpture combines engineering and art in an attempt to demonstrate how machines can become artists - an ability only found in humans. Similar to a child, an algorithm trained itself for days until it was capable of generating realistic digital art. This program was coupled with an industrial robot and a novel algorithm designed to convert digital pictures into robot-movements. The resulting robotic sculpture is capable of generating non-human artworks, selecting a random motif, and painting it on physical canvas with acrylic without any human intervention.

Contact Info

Titus Ebbecke

Titus Ebbecke is IAD member since 2020, with 2028 IAD rating.
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