Alexey Samygin

Alexey Samygin – Russian furniture designer, aged 52. He began his career as a master-joiner. Before starting his own firm, he was engaged in the manufacture and restoration of wooden products, studied the structural and decorative features of different styles starting with the 14th century furniture for more than 10 years. Since 1992 he runs his own company which specialty is the design and manufacture of the unique interior objects. The perfect mix of luxury, simplicity and convenience is the main criteria in the designs his firm makes. It’s a true creative studio where everything from the sketches to the drawings is hand made. It is a personal Alexey Samygin's creative manifest. Things are beautiful if you love them. Only this way the objects fill with energy and emotions, and the master’s plan becomes visible. Alexey doesn’t separate his work from his life, it’s a never-ending creative process. Alexey managed to instill family values ​​and professional addictions to his both sons. The eldest son Dmitry has been working for 12 years with his father, and the younger son Michael is still in school, but he already shows interest in the family business.


Contact Info

Alexey Samygin
Mansurovskiy per. 10/2
P: +79857604604

Alexey Samygin is IAD member since 2016, with 2031 IAD rating.
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