Beate Schellhas

Beate Schellhas is a passionate goldsmith working independently since 1990. She creates her own jewellery as well as she fulfills the wishes of her customers. Her jewellery design often is a combination of the wishes and the personality of her customers and her knowhow and creativity as a goldsmith and designer. She is passionately collecting fine and precious gemstones and other rare and valuable natural products with great inspiring potential. Her special design skill of combining gemstones with the ideal colour, cut and brilliance each stone together with the corresponding precious metal achieves the perfect design of jewellery. To optimize her work she combines the traditional hand craft of a goldsmith with modern production technologies.


Contact Info

Beate Schellhas
Am Houiller Platz 9

Beate Schellhas is IAD member since 2016, with 2024 IAD rating.
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